Friday, April 13, 2007

Technological thoughts

Technology - Thing 7
What a subject...where to start?
I'm feeling fickle, so I'll skip the great picture and zero in on a relatively new devise that I'm enamored with: play-aways (yes, I'm a geek)
I've always enjoyed the concept of audio books, but I never got around to buying a portable cd player, my car has a tape deck, and let's face it: I'm just not organized enough to keep track of multiple components when it comes to my world of reading. I can handle a book, don't ask me to keep track of tapes...which one was I listening to? where did I leave it?, play-aways, what an invention! ...the all in one concept: yes! ...light weight, attachable to me, with a memory, it knows where I stopped...and I love being able to speed up the narrator's voice :)

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